
About Us

USFplayground is an online platform that connects students at the University of San Francisco through hobbies, interests, and so much more. It allows for easier planning of events and hangouts. A primary feature of the app is the instant meeting with others that helps those in need of academic help, a friend, or those  with free time on their hands to meet new people. 

USFplayground At-a-Glance

As a local San Francisco based app, we have the opportunity to create a transformational impact in this community.

Our Mission

The mission of USFplayground is to provide a safe space for members at USF to create events for people to attend and interact with others. Today, people rely on technology to keep them connected to their close ones and meet new people. As technology and generations begin to evolve, our mission will always be to help everyone form meaningful relationships in a less intimidating way.

We strive to connect, organize, and introduce students to events, friends, and new hobbies based on personal interests.

Our Team:

Hobby - horseback riding

Fahimeh Mahboudi

Moving to a new city and transferring to a new college means finding new friends from scratch which is difficult any, but it’s harder when it happens during a pandemic. If an app existed, I could be more socially active at my college. However, I am building this platform now in my senior year so all new students at USF have easier time finding friends.

Outdoor activities

Julisa Lopez

Coming out of the pandemic it was hard for me to gain my social skills and it made me think of others who probably feel the same. I also thought about how social anxiety lessens on social media, at least for me. The app helps lower the anxiety of meeting someone new and first impressions. It allows for when meeting in person, people are a lot less anxious.

Hobby - surfing

Tyler Hussey

Making great friendships in college is challenging; most of the time, students are in new environments, have rigorous school work and their peers are often in the same situations. I want to create a tool for students where people can meet their peers and share their college experience.

Hiking trails

Jacob Liclican

Over the pandemic, many people either picked up new hobbies or improved on existing ones. Personally, I improved on creating art in Photoshop as well as piano, which none of my housemates happened to be interested in. I quickly realized how difficult it was to find and connect with others in the USF community with niche hobbies such as Photoshop art, or other hobbies that aren’t included in clubs or orgs, which is where the inspiration for USFplayground comes from.